

In his monumental work, On Food and Cooking, Harold McGee writes, "[t]hough most honey is made from a mixture of nectars from different flowers, some 300 different 'monofloral' honeys are produced in the world . . ." Harold McGee, On Food and Cooking, page 663-64, Scribners, 2004. In 2012 I began a quest to try a few of these monofloral honeys. After a while I began looking for a book that would guide me in my quest and found nothing that met my demands. The reason for this was that I looked too soon. As far as I can tell, only in the summer of 2013 were two popular books published which cover this topic, The Honey Connoisseur by Marina Marchese and Ken Flottum and Taste of Honey by Marie Simmons. Not having had these books available, I took to the Internet -- that repository of all truth -- and found helpful information from the National Honey Board. On its website the Board provides a catalog of honey varietals that gives a good description of each floral source and sometimes a description of the honey's flavor. There is also a helpful brochure on varietals here. So, why isn't that the end of the story and the end of this blog?

One need only try a few of the many clover honeys available to discern that clover honey from one region tastes a bit different from clover honey from another region. There are regional differences in honey that make a noticeable difference. The Board's information is too general to take this fact into account. In addition, the Board doesn't review the honey of a particular supplier, as I intend to do. As for the books, they limit their discussion to 30 and 40 varietals, respectively, and I intend to go beyond that number. Another reason for soldiering on in this quixotic quest is that the Board's list is incomplete in some respects, as it readily admits. I suggest you consult both the Board and this blog when learning about a particular honey.

Accordingly, for the benefit of all mankind, I reluctantly take up the task of eating my way through as many honey varieties as possible and sharing some information about each variety. I hope you find something useful in what I write and return regularly as I slowly build this database. You see, I intend not to gain any weight in doing this project, so it will take years to complete. Spoons at the ready? Get set! Go!

A Note on Color

No, I am not color blind. I too can see that amber-colored honey is not white. Then why would I call any honey white? In the United States the US Government has classified honeys in seven categories: (1) water white, (2) extra white, (3) white, (4) extra light amber, (5) light amber, (6) amber and (7) dark amber. I have used this classification system because it appears on most labels. I might have used the Pfund honey grading system (which is in millimeters), but I don't want to pay for the equipment to take those measurements and you wouldn't care about those measurements if I had.

November 27, 2015


  • Packager:          GloryBee, Inc., 110 North Seneca Road, Eugene, Oregon, USA  97402  1-800-456-7923
  • Nectar Origin:   States of Washington and Oregon, USA
  • Color:                Water White or Extra White
  • US Grade:         None.
  • Filtration:           Raw.
  • Price:                 I bought mine for $7.63/pound.  The company's website sells this for $9.50/pound.
  • Flavor:               This has a pleasant flavor with a tangy finish.  There is a hint of that flavor I associate with the inside of a blackberry -- that white piece on which the juicy seed pods clump.  I will admit that you'll have hunt for that flavor.

October 21, 2015

Lavender Honey

  • Packager:          Puremiel, Poligono Industrial Cuatro Vientos 58 Bajo 11660 Prado del Rey Cadiz, Spain, Tel. 0034 956 724 525
  • Nectar Origin:   Spain
  • Color:                Water White.
  • US Grade:         None.
  • Filtration:           Raw.
  • Price:                 About $20.70/pound.  
  • Flavor:              This is a delightfully mild honey with few distinguishing flavor notes.  I've finished half the jar and am at a loss for words to describe the flavor of this honey as being anything other than yummy.  That said, I think I can say with some degree of certainty that it tastes similar to clover honey and has a bit of a fruity finish. 

September 7, 2015

Neem Honey

  • Packager:          Heavenly Organics  Tel. (866) 923-2184 
  • Nectar Origin:   Central India
  • Color:                White.
  • US Grade:         None.
  • Filtration:           Raw.
  • Price:                 Around $9.30/pound.  
  • Flavor:              The label says it has a hint of licorice.  Once that description is in your head it is hard to get it out and be objective.  This honey is on the floral end of the spectrum and does have a little something about it that is kind of like licorice.  It comes from the Indian Lilac tree, also known as Neem or Nimtree.

September 1, 2015

Star Thistle

  • Packager:          Bee Chama Honey, 233 West Frontage Road, Polvadera, New Mexico 87828 USA
  • Nectar Origin:    Unknown. Presumably somewhere in the western United States.
  • Color:                Amber or Light Amber.
  • US Grade:         Not Listed.
  • Filtration:           Raw.
  • Price:                About $13.00/pound.  (I bought a small bottle mislabeled as 12 ounces, it's probably about eight).
  • Flavor:       This honey is on the caramel end of the flavor spectrum. The following adjectives would not be too far off: warm, butterscotch, maple syrup, or toffee.         

August 30, 2015


  • Packager:           Apicolutra Cazzola, distributed in the United States by Forever Cheese, Inc. 36-36 33rd Street, Suite 307, Long Island, New York (718) 777-0772
  • Nectar Origin:   Emilia-Romagna, Italy
  • Color:                No color is listed on the label, but it looks water white to extra white.      
  • US Grade:         None.
  • Filtration:           Raw.
  • Price:                 $22.19/pound.  
  • Flavor:              This honey has a chemical-like smell and flavor.  It reminds me of the smell of new car tires.  The aftertaste is bitter.  The flavor of this honey is extraordinarily strong.  I tried baking a loaf of bread with a teaspoon of this honey and was surprised that the flavor of the honey overpowered the taste of the bread.

August 20, 2015

Macadamia Honey

  • Packager:           Manoa Honey Company,     (808) 927-0501.  
  • Nectar Origin:   Hawaii.
  • Color:                Extra Light to Light Amber.
  • US Grade:         None.
  • Filtration:           Raw.
  • Price:                 Unknown.  This was a gift and the company's website did not have a price as of the date of this posting.  Thanks for thinking of me, Geoffrey and Alessandra!  
  • Flavor:             The first thing you always taste in a honey is sweetness.  Your mind tells you it is honey.  Of course there is color, texture and smell, but it is the lingering flavor notes that really differentiate one honey from another.  This one has a strong nut-like flavor.  There is a certain earthy flavor to it that produces a slightly bitter aftertaste.  

August 19, 2015

Langnese Orange Blossom

  • Packager:         Langnese Honey, 22933 Bargteheide, Germany
  • Nectar Origin:   Unknown.
  • Color:               Unstated.  Looks extra white.
  • US Grade:         A
  • Filtration:          Unfiltered.
  • Price:                $14.50/pound.  
  • Flavor:             This is a nice, mild flavored honey with a hint of orange blossom at the finish.  

July 29, 2015


  • Packager:           Apicolutra Cazzola, distributed in the United States by Forever Cheese, Inc. 36-36 33rd Street, Suite 307, Long Island, New York (718) 777-0772
  • Nectar Origin:   Emilia-Romagna, Italy
  • Color:                No color given.  It looks light amber.        
  • US Grade:         None.
  • Filtration:           Raw.
  • Price:                 $22.19/pound.  
  • Flavor:               This has a strong floral taste.  I was expecting something cherry or berry like, but didn't experience that.  It tastes almost like perfume.

July 28, 2015

Apple Locust Honey

  • Packager:           Murray's Cheese 254 Bleecker St., New York City, New York  10014 and also in Grand Central Station, New York City, New York (the latter is where I picked up my jar)  (888) 692-4339
  • Nectar Origin:   Ithaca, New York, USA
  • Color:                No color listed.  I would way it is light amber.     
  • US Grade:         None.
  • Filtration:           Raw.
  • Price:                 $15.98/pound.  
  • Flavor:               Is this a honeydew made from sweet secretions left by locusts on apple trees or is this honey from apple tree and black locust tree blossoms?  I searched the Internet and the packager's website for some hint about what floral source this honey might come from and have come up empty-handed.  I suspect that this is a honeydew because the black locust tree is not indigenous to New York, the stated geographical source of this honey.  The lid says this honey has dark notes of apple, vanilla and molasses.  I don't detect any apple flavor, but I can accept the vanilla claim.  There is a slightly bitter aftertaste, maybe that is what accounts for the molasses description.  You will have to try to figure this one out yourself.  It has a complex flavor that is not easily described.  

July 6, 2015

Orange Blossom

  • Packager:          Bee Chama Honey, 233 West Frontage Road, Polvadera, New Mexico 87828 USA
  • Nectar Origin:    Unknown. Presumably somewhere in the western United States.
  • Color:                In my unscientific estimation the color is Extra White.
  • US Grade:         Not Listed - It claims to be extra virgin, just like the olive oil.
  • Filtration:           Raw.
  • Price:                About $13.00/pound.  (I bought a small bottle mislabeled as 12 ounces, it's probably about eight).
  • Flavor:              This has a great honey flavor with a small hint of orange at the end.

May 28, 2015

Clark's Wildflower (Alfalfa) Honey

  • Packager:           Clark's Honey Farm, P.O. Box 270193, Louisville, CO 80027 USA (866) 444-6639
  • Nectar Origin:   Rock Mountain West, USA
  • Color:                No color given.  To me this honey looks white or extra white.    
  • US Grade:         None.
  • Filtration:           Raw.
  • Price:                 About $5.25/pound.  
  • Flavor:               The label says wildflower, but the packager's website indicates this is primarily alfalfa honey, so this must be what hay tastes like.  When I think about hay and how it smells, I can taste a slight note of that in this honey.  Maybe if I lived on a farm I would have more readily recognized it. Mostly the taste is assertive (it has a little bite to it), a bit spicy (like the complex flavors of spice cake) and floral.  The floral taste reminds me of elderflower.  Finally, a belated thanks to the Williams family for this present. 

April 26, 2015

Macadamia Honey

  • Packager:           The Big Island Bee Company, LLC  82-5780 Napoopoo Road #100, Captain Cook, HI 96704 (808) 328-1315.  
  • Nectar Origin:   Hawaii.
  • Color:                No color given.  My guess is Light Amber, although it looks much darker in the jar.
  • US Grade:         None.
  • Filtration:           Raw.
  • Price:                 About $13.00/pound.  
  • Flavor:              The label describes it as "sweet and nutty, with a soft, velvety texture."  That is probably the nicest thing you can say about it.  As you would expect, the first taste that hits your tongue is sweet.  I can understand the nutty description, but what is missing is a description of the aftertaste which is a musty flavor.  My first thought was urine, but I've never tasted that.  If you are in Hawaii, I recommend picking up Kaiwe honey over this one.  A big thanks to the Case family for this souvenir from their trip to Hawaii.  

April 20, 2015

Himalayan Acacia Honey

  • Packager:          Heavenly Organics  Tel. (866) 923-2184
  • Nectar Origin:   Kashmir, India
  • Color:                No color given.  Water White to Extra White.
  • US Grade:         None.
  • Filtration:           Raw.
  • Price:                 About $5.30/pound.  
  • Flavor:               This is the runniest honey I've ever come across.  It has an fruity and somewhat floral taste. The closest analogous flavor that we (I needed some help on this one) can think of is golden raisins.  It also has a slight fermented fruit flavor.     

April 1, 2015

Mesquite Honey

  • Packager:          Cheri's Desert Harvest, 1840 East Winsett, Tucson, Arizona 85719 USA   1-800-743-1141
  • Nectar Origin:    Southwestern United States.
  • Color:                My unscientific guess is Extra White.
  • US Grade:         Not Listed.
  • Filtration:           Raw.
  • Price:                 $13.90/pound.  
  • Flavor:              At first bite I think this honey has a buttery or butterscotch flavor, but then the aftertaste settles in and there is a definite, albeit subtle, mesquite flavor similar to the whiff of a distant mesquite barbecue.

March 28, 2015

Wild Blackberry

  • Packager:          Bee Chama Honey, 233 West Frontage Road, Polvadera, New Mexico 87828 USA
  • Nectar Origin:    Unknown. Presumably somewhere in the western United States.
  • Color:                No color given, but in my unscientific estimation it looks White or Extra Light Amber to me.
  • US Grade:         Not Listed - It claims to be extra virgin, just like the olive oil.
  • Filtration:           Raw.
  • Price:                About $13.00/pound.  (I bought a small bottle mislabeled as 12 ounces, it's probably about eight).
  • Flavor:              I think of this as a sweet and sour honey.  At first the taste is sweet, but the finish is tart.  The flavor is fairly complex.  It has a hint of berry taste that reminds me of blueberry.

March 8, 2015

Ohi'a Lehua Blossom

  • Packager:           The Big Island Bee Company, LLC  82-5780 Napoopoo Road #100, Captain Cook, HI 96704 (808) 328-1315.
  • Nectar Origin:   Hawaii.
  • Color:                No color given.  This honey was crystallized.  After warming it up it looks water white to extra white.    
  • US Grade:         None.
  • Filtration:           Raw.
  • Price:                 About $21.30/pound.  
  • Flavor:               The texture of this honey is grainy. To me it had three distinguishable notes: (1) a general floral note, (2) a nutty taste that made me think of almond, and (3) another flavor note that I cannot describe that was a bit bitter and off-putting. 

January 18, 2015

Acacia Honey

  • Packager:          Breitsamer + Ulrich GmbH & Co KG, Berger-Kreutz Strasse 28, D-81735 Munchen, Germany Tel. +49 89 45 05 62 0
  • Nectar Origin:   Unknown. Presumably Germany.
  • Color:                No color given.  This is definitely Water White.  
  • US Grade:         None.
  • Filtration:           Raw.
  • Price:                 About $12.70/pound.  
  • Flavor:               I admit this one has me stumped.  To me there seem to be no undertones or aftertastes. This is simply the taste of pure, clean honey.  My wife says she detects a small fruity aftertaste.  Maybe so.